Call for Exhibitors: NCMS Technology Showcase in Bremerton
The NCMS Technology Showcase takes place at in Bremerton, WA July 31 - August 1, offering an...
NavalX PNW Tech Bridge Partners with Vibe Coworks to Drive Regional Innovation
The partnership creates an accessible pathway between Naval technologists and Kitsap’s growing...
Partner Highlight: Washington Autonomous Vehicle-Cluster
The Washington Autonomous Vehicle-Cluster (WAV-C) was established to accelerate innovation across...
Partner Highlight: National Center for Manufacturing Sciences
(credit: Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) is...
Partnerships: Key to the Northwest Tech Bridge
Businesses are increasingly becoming aware that building traction in a market often depends on...
Program Manager Details Washington Cluster Efforts
Developed by Kitsap Economic Development Alliance (KEDA), WAV-C (which stands for Washington...